EZcart Holiday Special includes:

  1. 5 x EZcarts
  2. 12 x 28 liter plastic baskets
  3. 1 x EZcart corral

for $499

Set up shop with 5 EZcarts, 12 of our 28 liter baskets and an indoor EZcart corral. This configuration keeps baskets and carts, neatly organized  and together for your customers’ shopping convenience.

Convenience carts are the perfect solution for customers who shop several times a week. Singles, couples and the elderly will also find this solution helpful. They add extra convenience to your store by allowing customers to easily navigate crowded aisles, while having enough capacity to fit a medium shop.


• the EZcart fits most standard size shopping baskets

• the perfect solution to ease customer’s burden of carrying heavy baskets

• holds two large baskets allowing basket shoppers to buy twice as much

• built in hooks for hanging bags after checkout

• broad rear wheel base creates maximum stability

• 4.53 inches nesting means more carts in less space, almost half the nesting of any other cart

• small foot print reduces aisles congestion

• entire cart made of recyclable steel and plastic


• uses less than 3 sq. ft. of retail space for 5 carts

• allows customers to convert from basket shoppers to cart shoppers, increasing sales

• combines baskets and carts in handy compact storage for customer convenience

• can be blended into merchandising area with ease

To place an order call (800) 690-9112 or email us at and mention “EZcart Holiday Special” for discounted pricing.